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Sinningia macrostachya x leucotricha: sure looks like itJon Dixon gave me a seedling of this plant. It was from seed which he collected from his plant of S. macrostachya. We both agree that it isn't a selfing, however, and our best guess at the pollen parent is S. leucotricha, since the plant has something of the silvery quality that the latter species has. |
Plant Description |
Growth | Determinate, like S. leucotricha |
Habit | Stems upright with 2-4 leaf pairs |
Leaves | Green, stiff like those of S. macrostachya, with some silvery hairs |
Dormancy | Stems fully deciduous. Dormancy is obligate. |
Flowering |
Inflorescence | terminal cluster like S. leucotricha, but also axillary cymes in the lower leaf axils, like S. cardinalis. |
Season | Blooms spring-summer, about the same time as S. leucotricha |
Flower | Salmon pink to orange-red, tubular, about the same size as that of S. macrostachya. |
Horticultural aspects |
From seed | A couple of years to bloom, under my conditions |
Hardiness | Has tolerated 26F (-3C), in shelter, in my yard |
Recommended? | Not a bad plant, interesting for hybridizing potential |
Hybridization |
Hybridizer | Hummingbirds |
Fertility | This hybrid sets seed every year, although I have not sown any. There is every reason to expect that it is fertile. |
Botany |
Taxonomic group | Both parents are in the Dircaea clade. |
Nectaries | Two, separate, dorsal, usually with a blob of nectar remaining on each one after the corolla falls (like the S. macrostachya parent). |