Sinningia incarnata

  1. Hybrid with S. tubiflora
  2. Feature table
  3. External link
  4. Publication and etymology

Sinningia incarnata is the most widespread of all the sinningia species, and the only Sinningia species occurring naturally north of the Isthmus of Panama: its range extends into Mexico.  It is one of the tall species found in meadows and similar situations with lots of sun.

I had one seedling, but it went dormant and never revived.

A table compares this species with S. elatior.

S. tubiflora x incarnata F2

Although I do not have a surviving plant of this species, a seedling from a cross of this species with S. tubiflora is still alive. Unfortunately I do not remember where I got the seed.

Feature table for Sinningia incarnata

Plant Description

Growth Indeterminate
Habit Stem upright, tall.


Season My seedlings never bloomed
Flower Red, tubular

Horticultural aspects

Recommended? No, unless you're a real expert.  I have not been able to keep this species alive, despite its botanical interest. The hybrid is attractive, though.


Taxonomic group The core group of the Corytholoma clade.

External Link

See a page on Mauro Peixoto's website.


Sinningia incarnata was first published (as a Besleria) in 1775 by Carl Jean Baptiste Christophore Fusée Aublet (1720-1788).  After acquiring a daunting list of synonyms, it was finally transferred to Sinningia by Denham in 1974.

Etymology: from Latin incarnare ("to make flesh"), from carn- ("flesh", nom. sing. caro), found in words like carnation, carnivore, carnival, carnal, and (via French) carrion and charnel.