Sinningia elatior
Sinningia incarnata

  1. Similarities
  2. Differences

Unfortunately, I have never been able to grow Sinningia incarnata successfully, and Sinningia elatior does not flourish in my yard, even though it blooms occasionally.  Therefore, I cannot compare these two species from my own material, so here I rely on the published work of Alain Chautems.


Sinningia elatior and Sinningia incarnata are closely related sinningia species with the following similarities:

The similarities, especially those of the corolla, led Wiehler to combine the two species in 1978, under the name S. incarnata, the older name.


In his 1990 paper, Alain Chautems separated the species and gave the following differences between S. elatior and S. incarnata.

Attribute S. elatior S. incarnata
Stem unbranched sparsely branched
Leaf arrangement Usually in whorls of three Usually opposite, with small axillary leaves.
Petioles Barely developed Developed
Inflorescence Long leafless axis, with flowers in axils of reduced bracts Flowers in axils of leaves or large bracts
Calyx Lanceolate lobes Campanulate, lobes ovate acute
Habitat Found in open vegetation, often in very swampy areas. Found in savannas, pastures, or steep slopes, often in rocky areas.
Geographical distribution Northern Argentina through Colombia. NE Brazil through Mexico.