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Sinningia leopoldiiThis fine plant of Sinningia leopoldii was exhibited by Bill Price at the Gesneriad Society convention in 2008. |
TuberBill presents tubers well, also. This typical "bagel" tuber (disk-shaped, with stems arising from depressed center) is very symmetrical. Secret: Bill gets these tubers by turning them on a lathe. Don't tell anybody. (Okay, I made this up out of spite and envy.) |
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Seeds and HybridizingI used to have a dwarf plant of S. leopoldii. The first year it bloomed, it had one flower, and I collected seed from it for the AGGS seed fund. The next year it bloomed, I put pollen of Sinningia sp. "Black Hill" on it, and got the hybrid I named S. 'Distant Lights'. The next year the leopoldii plant never came out of dormancy, and the tuber withered. I now have another small plant, from Jon Dixon. [Update: it died after a couple of years.] Jon says that S. leopoldii shoots seem stunted or distorted when they first appear, but when they develop they lose this unhealthy look. See a comparison between the shoots of S. leopoldii and S. calcaria. As shown above, Bill Price can grow a beautiful plant of S. leopoldii, but mine are never particularly attractive: a ragged growth habit and few flowers. I get better results from the S. 'Distant Lights' hybrid mentioned above. |
Plant Description |
Growth | Determinate |
Habit | Upright stem(s) |
Leaves | |
Dormancy | Stems completely deciduous. Dormancy does not appear to be obligate, however. In the winter of 2008-2009, my plant kept all its stems and bloomed from one of those year-old stems in June 2009. |
Flowering |
Inflorescence | terminal cluster |
Season | |
Flower | Red or orange-red, a narrow tube about 4 cm long |
Horticultural aspects |
From seed | 18 months to bloom, under my conditions |
Hardiness | The tuber survived near-freezing temperatures in my yard. |
Recommended? | Not by me. Mine have never thrived, but I have seen handsome plants grown by others. |
Hybridization |
Hybrids with this species | See listing. |
Botany |
Taxonomic group | The douglasii group of the Dircaea clade. |
Mauro Peixoto's Brazilian Plants site has a page about S. leopoldii.
(as Gesneria leopoldii) 1852. Transferred to Sinningia by Chautems, 1990.