
Last Pictures

View down Beacon Street.  It's been too long, so I don't remember the point from which this photograph was taken.  Judging by the steeple, I gather it was looking west toward Mass. Ave.


It appears the identification of this as Beacon Street was too hasty.  Ed Iseri points out that Beacon Street is one-way for most of its length.  Judging not just by perspective, but also by the house fronts on the left, the street is going downhill, and my recollection of Beacon Street is as being rather flat.

Finally, the steeple in the distance does not really look like that of the burned-out church.  The picture on the left shows a photoshopped blowup of the steeple.  Except for the oversharpened trees in front, it could be a Turner painting.

There is some sort of arch-like structure in the lower left and what looks like a shorter steeple just to the right of the main one.  Does this provide enough detail to identify the location, keeping in mind that this was 1981?

If this isn't Beacon Street, then why the heck did I take a picture of it?


From our hotel we could see the planes landing at Logan Airport.  This one seemed to be skating just over the housetops.