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Gesneriad Society Convention 2008: Waiting for the Fish

Waiting at the Aquarium

One of the field trips from the convention was to the Denver Aquarium.  As with any field trip, there were a certain amount of waiting for everybody to assemble.  Here we are in the lobby of the aquarium, waiting to be admitted.  How many of these people can you identify?

Waiting at the Aquarium

Hey, I got the two Mollies in one shot!

From the left, Molly Schneider and Mollie Howells plus a lady I cannot put a name to at the moment.  Backs of heads: Michael Riley and Francisco Correa.  Backs of heads in the foreground: Stephen Maciejewski and Leonard Re.  In the center back is Suzie Larouche.

In the Aquarium

A fish and a lizard.

Fish lizard